There are many benefits to writing an LTE
a. If a letter is published it signals to the member of Congress that this topic is newsworthy. If your Member Of Congress’ name is mentioned in your LTE, all the better.
b. The volume of letters to editors signals the community’s interest, so you increased the chances of a similar point of view being published. It’s a team thing. Maybe I helped you get published or vice versa.
c. Your letter educates the Editors, who may be as uniformed as an average citizen. You may have won them over for future articles.
d. You can provide visibility for Citizens Climate Lobby. CCL can be in the body of the letter or can be in below your signature.
e. YOU BUILD POLITICAL WILL. You educate people (tens of thousands) of this powerful solution to limit the greatest risk to our civilization. About 15 million ‘environmentalists’ DO NOT VOTE. We can help change that.
f. Even not published, Your letter primes the pump for similar letters to get in.
g. Writing clarifies thinking. You will be a better communicator with friends and with your MOC
h. Al Gore calls writing an ‘exercise in truth telling’ ; it’s good for the soul.